Danielle Robinson

Special guest

Danielle Robinson is the surviving spouse of the late SFC Heath Robinson, whom 'The SFC Heath Robinson Honoring Our PACT ACT' was named after. This legislation was signed into law in August of 2022, enacting the most significant expansion of benefits and services for toxic exposed veterans in more than 30 years.

In, 2006, SFC Robinson left for Iraq to fight for our country. Ten years after his deployment Heath had to fight for his life when he was diagnosed with a rare for form of lung cancer attributed to toxic exposure from Burn Pits during his military service to Iraq. When he was medically separated from the military even with a 100% service connection for lung cancer, he was denied medical coverage and benefits by the Department of Veterans Affairs stating, "there was no connection between Heath's Burn Pit exposure and his lung cancer," he went to battle once again. He spent his final year fighting for the right for all Veterans exposed to toxins to receive the benefits they deserve.

Heath passed away in 2020, but his legacy lives on. Today, Danielle is a Burn Pits 360 Activist and Advocate, fighting for service members and Veterans exposed to hazardous environments while serving.

Danielle Robinson has been a guest on 1 episode.