Tara Galovski, PhD

Special guest

Dr. Galovski is the Director of the Women’s Health Sciences Division of the National Center for PTSD and an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the Chobanian (choo-bain-eein) and Avedisian (Ave-disian) School of Medicine at Boston University.

Over the last decade, Dr. Galovski has been a national trainer of Cognitive Processing Therapy, has trained over 1000 clinicians in both the VA and community mental health clinics, and has treated or supervised the treatment of 100s of PTSD cases. She is interested in exploring the effects of exposure to traumatic events and continuing the development of psychological interventions designed to treat PTSD and comorbid psychiatric disorders. She has conducted federally funded clinical trials (NIH, SAMHSA, DoD, VA) within a variety of populations exposed to different types of trauma including combat, sexual trauma, domestic violence, community violence, and motor vehicle accidents. This work has been conducted with civilians, law enforcement, active duty Service Members, and Veterans and she has published in multiple peer-reviewed journals, chapters and written two books.

Recently, Dr. Galovski has founded, developed, and is the Director of, a national network of peer-led support groups for women Veterans (Women Veterans Network: WoVeN) and its recent expansion, BRIDGES (Building Reintegration from Dreams and Goals to Execution and Success).

Tara Galovski, PhD has been a guest on 1 episode.