Adam Marr

Co-Host of Tango Alpha Lima Podcast

Adam Marr graduated from Texas Christian University in 2006 and commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Army. He graduated from flight school at Fort Rucker, AL in 2009 as an Apache Helicopter Pilot and would go on to make “Pilot-in Command” and “Air Mission Commander.” In 2010 Adam deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom with the 1st CAB, 1-1 ARB out of Fort Riley, KS where he flew over 400 combat hours and was awarded the Combat Action Badge. In 2011 Adam took command of Charlie Company 1-1 ARB and became the first company in the Army to field and train on the new Apache Echo model aircraft. Adam’s last assignment from 2013-2015 was as an OCT at Ft Polk, LA where he helped train and evaluate Attack & Reconnaissance helicopter troops in full spectrum operations prior to their combat deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan.

Since 2015 Adam has been on the front lines of helping to organize, operationalize, and advocate for innovative solutions to the Veteran mental health & suicide crisis. Vowing to fix what was broken, Adam Co-Founded Warrior Angels Foundation 501(c)3 with his brother in 2015 to help bring an innovative message and solution to sponsor treatments for Veterans who had sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury.

In 2017 Adam co-authored the best-selling book "TALES FROM THE BLAST FACTORY," offering a unique perspective on the intimate challenges his brother, a Special Forces Green Beret, faced transitioning out of the Army because of his TBI and PTS injuries sustained in combat. This book was the inspiration for the Academy Award qualified documentary film Quiet Explosions: Healing the Brain (2020).

Concurrent to all this, Adam spent 5yrs as a management consultant executive for Accenture LLC specializing in leading at the intersection of people and technology, helping fortune 100 executive teams deploy large scale multimillion-dollar organizational transformations.

In 2021 Adam left Accenture to support the passing of Texas House Bill 1802 which was the first legislation of its kind in the United States which allowed for clinical trials in the state of Texas through the Baylor College of Medicine using psilocybin and related therapeutics to help explore clearly, these breakthrough treatments that produce curative results not attainable with existing pharmacology.

Adam is an advocate for the safe and responsible use of these therapies. He attributes his ibogaine and 5MeODMT protocol as a life changing experience that helped reconnect him to his Christian faith and address his own personal combat and service-related traumas. In 2023 he shared his story of healing with these medicines in front of the Kentucky Opioid Abatement and Advisory Commission who is considering the allocation of $42M for novel programs using these therapies to combat the opioid epidemic.

Adam is the current Director of Operations for the Veteran Mental Health Leadership Coalition. The VMHLC is a 501(c)19 coalition led by Lieutenant General Martin R. Steele USMC Ret. along with +45 organizations that advocate for increased research and safe, affordable access to psychedelic medicine and assisted therapies for Veterans and their family members. In 2023 the VMHLC helped unlock $12M in state funding across 4 states for these programs.

Adam is married to the love of his life Alycia, they live in the rural southern town of Slocomb,Ala., where they delight in raising their three children Amelia, Austin, and Aria.

Adam Marr has hosted 41 Episodes.