We found 10 episodes of Tango Alpha Lima Podcast with the tag “leadership”.
Episode 246: Tango Alpha Lima: Former POW and Leading with Honor founder Col. Lee Ellis
January 14th, 2025 | Season 6 | 1 hr 13 mins
100th anniversary, american legion, arctic, baseball, centennial, coaching, cold war, community, confidence, f4 phantom, flight school, geneva convention, global warming, greenland, gwot, hanoi hilton, ho chi mihn trail, humility, laos, leadership, marine, military, post-9/11, pow, prisoner of war, project iceworm, purpose, relationships, resilience, romance, sear school, service, torture, toxic waste, veteran, vietnam war, vulnerability
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 237: Tango Alpha Lima: Be Unstoppable with former Navy SEAL Alden Mills
October 29th, 2024 | Season 5 | 1 hr 2 mins
american legion, community, congressional gold medal, dad jokes, dustoff pilot, entrepreneur, fitness, force multiplier, goal-setting, gwot, hurricane helene, hurricane milton, leadership, military, military transition, naval academy, navy seal, post-9/11, sacrifice, service, unlock your potential, veteran, vietnam
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 224: Tango Alpha Lima: Servant Leadership with Retired Lt. Col Oakland McCulloch
July 30th, 2024 | Season 5 | 1 hr 9 mins
american legion, code-breakers, community, fdr, gwot, journaling, leadership, marketing, military, military jokes, navy, post-9/11, prayers, president franklin d. roosevelt, rotc, self-reflection, servant leadership, service, training, transition, trust, veteran, vision, waves, west point, wwii
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 218: Tango Alpha Lima: Wrestle Like a Girl CEO and founder Sally Roberts
June 18th, 2024 | Season 5 | 1 hr 16 mins
advocacy, alternative therapies, american legion, assessment, athletics, bad-ass women, baseline, be the one, biomarkers, brain health, camaraderie, cognitive testing, community, dementia, federal employment, female veteran, florida, fod walk, fred smith, gator, gwot, head trauma, hormones, it's ok to not be ok, joy in suffering, leadership, life lessons, love is service, military, military spouses, neurological activity, non-profit, olympics, paris post 1, pentagon, personalized medicine, post-9/11, resources, self-love, service, sharing, state department, stigma, tbi, traumatic brain injury, veteran, veteran of the year, vulnerability, women, wrestling
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Tango Alpha Lima: Retired U.S. Army Gen. Barry McCaffrey
January 23rd, 2024 | Season 5 | 46 mins 2 secs
ai, american legion, artificial intelligence, bigfoot, central america, character, civics, colin powell, community, conspiracy theory, democracy, divisiveness, dr. ruth, economic, economic collapse, geo-political, gwot, isolationism, israel, journalism, leadership, loneliness, military, misinformation, national security, oller coaster, party planner, plan, political division, post-9/11, putin, radio shack, safe, servant-leadership, service, sinning, sniper, social media, syracuse university, ufo, ukraine, veteran, worry
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 187: Tango Alpha Lima: Extra OrdinaryDelights Founder and CEOAaron Hale
October 31st, 2023 | Season 4 | 59 mins 25 secs
alternative therapies, american legion, army ranger, bacterial meningitis, badwater 135, be the one, blind golfing, blindness, cochlear implant, community, deafness, deployment, edgar allan poe, eod, fudge, guardian, gwot, ied, inspirational, leadership, mental health, mentorship, military, mountain climbing, mullet, navy cook, paralympics, post-9/11, resolutions, running, save training, service, space force, tandem cycling, tap, transition assistance, ultramarathon, va claim, veteran, walter reed, west point
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 177: Tango Alpha Lima: MST Series – Male MST survivors Ross Whitmore and Rashan Legard
September 7th, 2023 | Season 4 | 1 hr 6 mins
advocacy, american legion, assault, community, connection, dignity, gwot, healing, honor, leadership, microaggression, military, military service, military sexual trauma, moral injury, mst, poetry, post-9/11, ptsd, racism, recovery, resiliency, service, sharp training, suicide, trauma, trust, veteran
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 168: Tango Alpha Lima: West Point Master of the Sword Col. Nick Gist
July 18th, 2023 | Season 4 | 53 mins 50 secs
acft, american legion, anchorage, army holistic health and fitness, be the one, boxing, cadet, camaraderie, cognitive fitness, community, competitive sports, culture, d1, education, fitness, gamers, gaming, gen. macarthur, gwot, health, intramural sports, leadership, mandatory leave, marine commandant, master of the sword, mental toughness, mental wellness, mentor, military, military academy, military service, moose, motivation, paradox customs, physical education, post-9/11, pt, regiment gaming, resilience, senate, service, teacher, top brass, total force fitness, veteran, video game, wellness, west point
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 167: Tango Alpha Lima: HireMilitary founder and CEO Michael Quinn
July 11th, 2023 | Season 4 | 1 hr 15 mins
american legion, be the one, c-suite, career, community, dod skillbridge, employment, gwot, health, healthcare, humility, internship, job fair, job search, leadership, mental health, mentorship, military, military and veteran community, military spouse, military transition, networking, pact act, post-9/11, service, suicide prevention, toxic exposure, va claim, veteran, wellness, whole health, world war ii, wwii
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 161: Tango Alpha Lima: Legion of Valor National Commander Justin "JD" LeHew
May 30th, 2023 | Season 4 | 58 mins 12 secs
air force cross, american legion, anthropology, archeology, battle of tarawa, civil war, community, connection, dale dye, democracy, distinguished service cross, doordash, drones, enlistment, film industry, fort sill, future soldier prep course, gwot, heroism, hollywood, indian wars, jessica lynch, leadership, legion of valor, mandalorian, medal of honor, mia recovery, military, navy cross, ohio, post-9/11, pow-mia flag, pt, recognition of valor, ruck march, scholarship, service, spanish american war, team long road, this is the way, unity, veteran, vso, warrior class, wwi
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.