We found 9 episodes of Tango Alpha Lima Podcast with the tag “purpose”.
Episode 247: Tango Alpha Lima: Folk musician Mary Gauthier on helping veterans through songwriting
January 21st, 2025 | Season 6 | 1 hr 6 mins
addiction, alchemy, alcohol abuse, american legion, amish, artist, be the one, bob dylan, chef, community, depression, dui, environmental, folk music, green burial, gwot, humanity, ibogaine, joan baez, love, lyrics, mdma, meaning, mennonite, mental health, military, missile defense, national cemetery, north dakota, open mic night, passion, poetry, post-9/11, psilocybin, ptsd, purpose, pyramid, sad songs, service, singer, songwriter, storyteller, study, surrender, tbi, treatment, va, veteran, viking funeral, vulnerability
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 246: Tango Alpha Lima: Former POW and Leading with Honor founder Col. Lee Ellis
January 14th, 2025 | Season 6 | 1 hr 13 mins
100th anniversary, american legion, arctic, baseball, centennial, coaching, cold war, community, confidence, f4 phantom, flight school, geneva convention, global warming, greenland, gwot, hanoi hilton, ho chi mihn trail, humility, laos, leadership, marine, military, post-9/11, pow, prisoner of war, project iceworm, purpose, relationships, resilience, romance, sear school, service, torture, toxic waste, veteran, vietnam war, vulnerability
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Tango Alpha Lima Be The One EP08: Retired Navy SEAL Jason Redman
April 1st, 2024 | Season 5 | 38 mins 31 secs
alternative therapy, ambush, american dream, american legion, ask for help, be the one, community, cte, entrepreneur, fallujah, get off the x, gwot, inspirational, iraq, mental health, mental wellness, military, military family, post-9/11, psychedelics, ptsd, public speaker, purpose, service, sof, special forces, stigma, suicide prevention, tbi, ted talks, veteran
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 204: Tango Alpha Lima: With Honor Founder and CEO Rye Barcott
March 12th, 2024 | Season 5 | 1 hr 17 mins
988, advocacy, afghan allies, afghanistan, american legion, authenticity, bi-partisan, border control, brandon act, break-through therapy, caucus, character, civics education, community, compromise, congress, culture war, disenfranchisement, elections, fallujah, food insecurity, gwot, hyper-partisan, ilitary retiree, immigration, integrity, iraq, jrotc, mandatory national service, mdma-assisted therapy, member benefits, membership, mental health, mentorship, military, mission, national security, polarization, political, post-9/11, pt, ptsd, purpose, service, service officers, stability and courage, starman, stolen valor, the big lebowski, therapeutics, transition, tribe, tron, unity, va volunteer, values, veteran, veteran affairs, veteran crisis line, vietnam veteran, vote, white russian
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 192: Tango Alpha Lima: America’s Resilience Coach Kristen Christy
December 5th, 2023 | Season 4 | 1 hr 5 mins
3rd id, 988, a.c.e., accountability, american legion, anime, army navy game, battle dome, be the one, best practices, buddy check, community, convention, dogface, emotional support human, grassroots, grief, gun safety, gwot, iraq invasion, listening, lived experience, marine recruiters, membership, membership recruitment, mentorship, military, military child, military family, mission, podcast, pop culture, post activities, post-9/11, prevention, programs, purpose, relationships, resilience, resources, rotc, s.a.v.e training, self-awareness, service, showing up, silent service, stand down, submariners, suicide, support, survivor, tragedy, training, veteran, veteran crisis line, video game
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 190: Tango Alpha Lima: Veteran Powered Films with Julia Ling and Hiram Murray
November 21st, 2023 | Season 4 | 45 mins 8 secs
9/11, afghan allies, american legion, art therapy, banners, be the one, collaboration, community, department of veterans affairs, depression, disability compensation, giving tuesday, gwot, hanksgiving, hollywood, hometown heroes, mental wellness, military, military experience, mission, movies, navy reserve, nypd, post-9/11, predatory lawyers, purpose, service, service officers, team, thank you for your service, transition, turkey dinner, va claims, veteran, veteran suicide, weekend warrior, women veterans
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 157: Tango Alpha Lima: 22Zero Founder Dan Jarvis
May 2nd, 2023 | Season 4 | 53 mins 2 secs
alaska, american legion, be the one, ceremony, children, community, deployment, disconnection, dna, drill sgt., exposure therapy, fort gordon, gold star families, gwot, isolation, law enforcement, legiontown, linkedin, linkedin learning, memorial day, mental health, mental wellness, military, military housing, neural pathways, neuro-linguistic programming, pandas, pearl harbor, post-9/11, pow-mia, ptsd, punchbowl, purpose, reconsolidation of xxxx protocol, repressed memories, research and recognition project, resiliency, service, spouses, substance abuse, substandard housing, suicide, suppressed memories, survivor’s guilt, transition, trauma, triggers, uss arizona, veteran, veteran suicide
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 153: Tango Alpha Lima: Military Transition with author Herb Thompson
April 4th, 2023 | Season 4 | 53 mins 26 secs
american legion, atlanta, coca-cola, community, drill sergeant, gi bill, goals, green beret, gwot, history, intermittent fasting, john pemberton, military, military spouse, military transition, mission, post-9/11, purpose, resources, rocky mountain oysters, service, skillbridge, special forces, taco bell, taxes, testicle festival, training, veteran, wwii
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 84: Tango Alpha Lima: Veteran Suicide Part 2 - "The American Legion Saved My Life"
January 5th, 2022 | Season 3 | 34 mins 53 secs
american legion, ceremonies, commentary, community, community service, disability rating, fibromyalgia, helmets for heroes, honor and remembrance, honor guard, law enforcement, mental health, military, non-profit, post-9/11, purpose, service officer, therapy, topical, va&r, veteran, veteran suicide, veterans service
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion hosted by post-9/11 veterans.
Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.