Episode 217

Tango Alpha Lima: Veteran Socials to Combat Loneliness Epidemic with Dr. Jay Gorman


June 11th, 2024

1 hr 8 mins 58 secs

Season 5

Your Hosts
Special Guest

About this Episode

Georgia American Legion Post enlists local resources to help homeless veteran

Dr. Jay Gorman, VA clinical psychologist and Education Director of the VISN 1 Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center at the VA Bedford Healthcare System, joins the podcast to discuss how VOICES Veteran Socials enhance communication and foster bonds among veterans and others in the community.

Veteran socials are veteran-led weekly community-based social events with a purpose – getting veterans of all ages and service branches in one place to support and build connection with each other. Dr. Gorman stresses the importance of social connection to combat loneliness and isolation and improve overall health.

Bill would allow retroactive Purple Heart vets to transfer GI benefits

How the Gaza humanitarian aid pier traces its origins to discarded cigar boxes before World War II

What’s to become of the keepsakes left at Arlington Cemetery?

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