We found 5 episodes of Tango Alpha Lima Podcast with the tag “baseball”.
Episode 246: Tango Alpha Lima: Former POW and Leading with Honor founder Col. Lee Ellis
January 14th, 2025 | Season 6 | 1 hr 13 mins
100th anniversary, american legion, arctic, baseball, centennial, coaching, cold war, community, confidence, f4 phantom, flight school, geneva convention, global warming, greenland, gwot, hanoi hilton, ho chi mihn trail, humility, laos, leadership, marine, military, post-9/11, pow, prisoner of war, project iceworm, purpose, relationships, resilience, romance, sear school, service, torture, toxic waste, veteran, vietnam war, vulnerability
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 151: Tango Alpha Lima: National Medal of Honor Museum Foundation CEO Chris Cassidy
March 21st, 2023 | Season 4 | 1 hr 2 mins
american legion, anniversary, astronaut, baseball, basketball referee, be the one, bear, character playbook, commentary, community, community service, courage, deployment, do your best, eagle globe anchor, endeavor, fitness, govx, gratitude, international space station, leadership institute, marvel comics, medal of honor, memorial, mental health, mental wellness, mentor, military, mit, mlb, museum, namaste, nasa, national park service, naval academy, navy seal, nfl, non-profit, physical therapy, post-9/11, recovery, resilience, selfless act, shuttle launch, space, space shuttle, stroke, tbi, topical, veteran, veterans service, vyp, warning signs, yoga
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 142: Tango Alpha Lima: Vietnam War Silver Star recipient and author Dennis Hoy
January 17th, 2023 | Season 4 | 1 hr 13 secs
1st air cavalry, american legion, american legion auxiliary, author, baseball, blood donation, blood drive, bob hope, college, comedian, commentary, community, community service, deployment, draft, eastern new mexico university, gi bill, infantry, influencer, lbj, letters home, medal of honor, memoir, military, military spouse, nib, non-profit, post-9/11, professional bass fishing, red cross, silver star, skillcraft pen, soldier, topical, transition, veteran, veterans service, vietnam, vietnam war
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion hosted by post-9/11 veterans. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 131: Tango Alpha Lima: Former MLB pitcher and American Legion Baseball Alumni Steve Woodard
October 25th, 2022 | Season 3 | 53 mins 24 secs
alabama, alws, american legion, american legion baseball, american legion world series, baseball, be the one, burn pit registry, candy corn, commentary, community, community service, david ortiz, documentary, dodger dog, drug-smuggling, espn, fall, georgia, ghost story, halloween, haunted mlb, hot dog, idaho bandits, legiontown, mental wellness, military, milwaukee brewers, narcotics, non-profit, orel hersheiser, post-9/11, prime video, roger clemens, shelby, spooky, stigma, team effort, topical, toxic exposure, travel baseball, troy post 70, va, veteran, veterans service, wildcat
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion hosted by post-9/11 veterans. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 75: Tango Alpha Lima: The Pink Tax, Marines and vaccines, and military AWOL weapons problems
November 2nd, 2021 | Season 2 | 41 mins 56 secs
alws, american legion, atlanta braves, baseball, brian snitker, commentary, community, community service, covid, department of california, department of virginia, disability claim, dusty baker, ehr, fatigues act, gender wage gap, gronk, honor flight, houston astros, idaho post 56 bandits, military, military spouses, military weapon, non-profit, pink tax, post everlasting, post-9/11, small business task force, tap, topical, transitioning veterans, uniforms, va, vaccine, veteran, veterans service, williamsburg, world series
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion hosted by three post-9/11 veterans. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.