Episode Archive
291 episodes of Tango Alpha Lima Podcast since the first episode, which aired on April 1st, 2020.
Episode 35: Tango Alpha Lima: Student Veterans with guest Jared Lyon
January 5th, 2021 | Season 2 | 1 hr 6 mins
american legion, commentary, community, community service, education, gi bill, higher education, military, non-profit, post-9/11, student veterans, sva, topical, veteran, veterans service
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion hosted by three post-9/11 veterans. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 34: Tango Alpha Lima: "Honor Guard" producers Neal Schrodetzki and Ethan Morse
December 23rd, 2020 | Season 1 | 42 mins 24 secs
american legion, commentary, community, community service, military, non-profit, post-9/11, topical, veteran, veterans service
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion hosted by three post-9/11 veterans. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 33: Tango Alpha Lima: Backpacks For Life with Brett Dalessandro and Alexa Modero
December 16th, 2020 | Season 1 | 43 mins 21 secs
alexa modero, american legion, at-risk veteran, backpacks for life, bp4l, brett dalessandro, commentary, community, community service, homeless veteran, military, nj homeless veterans outreach award, non-profit, post-9/11, topical, veteran, veterans service
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion hosted by three post-9/11 veterans. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 32: Tango Alpha Lima: An Act of Kindness, Fashion Faux Pas and a Racy Endeavor
December 9th, 2020 | Season 1 | 56 mins 59 secs
48 car, american legion, brian tally, chip ganassi racing, coast guard, commentary, community, community service, covid, dod, dot, fashion, greenland, indy car, jimmy johnson, lsd, medical malpractice, military, military times, non-profit, post-9/11, ralph lauren, random act of kindness, tony kanaan, topical, veteran, veterans service, yrc
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion hosted by three post-9/11 veterans. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 31: Tango Alpha Lima: Gold Star Families ft. guest Joanne Steen
December 2nd, 2020 | Season 1 | 44 mins 18 secs
american legion, commentary, community, community service, gold star, grief solutions, joanne steen, military, non-profit, post-9/11, topical, veteran, veterans service
Tango Alpha Lima is podcast from The American Legion hosted by three post-9/11 veterans. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 30: Tango Alpha Lima: Wreaths, Troop Reductions and Terrible Thieves
November 25th, 2020 | Season 1 | 47 mins 30 secs
afghanistan, american legion, arlington, bookazine, c&p, cemetery, chaplain, commentary, community, community service, comp and pen exam, crime, disabled veteran, flag, honor, iraq, marine corps ball, military, nerf, non-profit, post-9/11, space force, space marine, topical, troop reductions, va, veteran, veterans service, wreaths across america
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion hosted by three post-9/11 veterans. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 29: Tango Alpha Lima: COVID-19 conversation ft. guest Dr. Kermit Jones
November 18th, 2020 | Season 1 | 42 mins
american legion, commentary, community, community service, coronavirus, covid-19, dr. kermit jones, james mccloughan, medal of honor, military, moh, non-profit, pandemic, post-9/11, topical, veteran, veterans service
Tango Alpha Lima is a weekly podcast from The American Legion hosted by three post-9/11 veterans. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 28: Tango Alpha Lima: Veterans Day Special
November 11th, 2020 | Season 1 | 50 mins 24 secs
american legion, armistice, california, colorado, commentary, community, community service, founding, france, legion riders, military, non-profit, paris, post-9/11, topical, veteran, veterans day, veterans service, west virginia, world war i, wwi
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion hosted by three post-9/11 veterans. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 27: Tango Alpha Lima: Military Reporting feat. Hope Seck
November 4th, 2020 | Season 1 | 42 mins 11 secs
alwyn cashe, american legion, center for a new american society, commentary, community, community service, hope seck, journalism, medal of honor, military, military reporting, military.com, non-profit, post-9/11, topical, veteran, veterans service, waverly woodson
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion hosted by three post-9/11 veterans. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 26: Tango Alpha Lima: GIBill.com, “The Pledge” unveiled in Arlington and Suicide Prevention news
October 28th, 2020 | Season 1 | 37 mins 26 secs
american legion, american legion post 370, arlington national cemetery, commandant, commander john scott hannon, commentary, community, community service, compact act, congress, congressional gold medal, fleetwood mac, gi bill, highlands n.c., matthew tattersall, merrill's marauders, military, non-profitm, ocean spray, oral history, post-9/11, reading list, siamese fighting fish, the women in military service for america memorial, topical, va, vanessa guillen, veteran, veterans crisis line, veterans service
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion hosted by three post-9/11 veterans. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 25: Tango Alpha Lima: Space Force Simulator, Shark Attacks and 100 Miles for Hope
October 21st, 2020 | Season 1 | 58 mins 45 secs
american legion, basic training, col. max lantz, commentary, community, community service, mandalorian, military, non-profit, post-9/11, pt, shark attack, space force, topical, veteran, veterans service, vfx
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion hosted by three post-9/11 veterans. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 24: Tango Alpha Lima: Guest Anighya Crocker
October 14th, 2020 | Season 1 | 49 mins 7 secs
american legion, anighya crocker, boys nation, boys state, commentary, community, community service, lsat, military, non-profit, opera, post-9/11, tennessee, topical, vanderbilt, veteran, veterans service
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion hosted by three post-9/11 veterans. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 23: Tango Alpha Lima: COVID indictments, Blue Water Navy logs, Unicorns and MORE COWBELL!
October 7th, 2020 | Season 1 | 41 mins 23 secs
american legion, blue water navy, burn pit, commentary, community, community service, covid-19, deck log, holyoke, menlo park, military, mississippi state football, national archives and records, ninja hellfire missile, non-profit, post-9/11, shulkin, space force, topical, u.s. coast guard, unicorn, va disability claim, veteran, veterans home, veterans service
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion hosted by three post-9/11 veterans. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 22: Tango Alpha Lima: Boys State Documentary ft. Jesse Moss and Steven Garza
September 30th, 2020 | Season 1 | 59 mins 41 secs
american legion, apple, appletv+, boys nation, boys state, commentary, community, community service, documentary, grand jury prize, military, non-profit, post-9/11, sundance film festival, texas, topical, veteran, veterans service, youth programs
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion hosted by three post-9/11 veterans. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 21: Tango Alpha Lima: MOH for SGM Payne, Burn Pits and Suicide Prevention
September 23rd, 2020 | Season 1 | 49 mins 16 secs
air force academy, american legion, burn pit, commentary, community, community service, john stewart, mascot, medal of honor, military, moh, non-profit, post-9/11, russian bounties, sgt. maj. payne, space force, suicide prevention, topical, toxic exposure, veteran, veteran suicide, veterans service
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion hosted by three post-9/11 veterans. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 19: Tango Alpha Lima: Bergdahl stays in jail, Esper backs Cashe MOH and more death at Ft. Hood
September 9th, 2020 | Season 1 | 50 mins 27 secs
american legion, bergdahl, cashe, commentary, community, community service, esper, fort hood, medal of honor, military, non-profit, post-9/11, shark, tiktok, topical, veteran, veterans service
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion hosted by three post-9/11 veterans. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.