Episode Archive
295 episodes of Tango Alpha Lima Podcast since the first episode, which aired on April 1st, 2020.
Episode 203: Tango Alpha Lima: Modern Elder Academy founder Chip Conley
March 5th, 2024 | Season 5 | 1 hr 8 mins
aging, american legion, archetype, askhole, bravo zulu, community, curiosity, editing, growth mindset, gwot, hotelier, intergenerational, mentorship, mid-life, middlescence, midlife crisis, military, modern elder, post-9/11, sandwich generation, service, veteran, wisdom
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Tango Alpha Lima Be The One EP07: Healing Breakthrough with Juliana Mercer
March 1st, 2024 | Season 5 | 36 mins 30 secs
afghanistan, alternative therapy, american legion, anbar province, be the one, breakthrough therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, combat, community, d.a.r.e, deployment, empathy, employment, fallujah, fda approval, gwot, hearts and minds, helmund province, ibogaine, iraq, mdma-assisted therapy, mental health, mental wellness, military, post-9/11, psilocybin, psychedelics, ptsd, ramadi, service, stigma, suicide prevention, talk therapy, thriving, veteran, wounded warrior battalion, wwb
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Tango Alpha Lima: Leaping Lizards – Meet the new Tango Alpha Lima podcast hosts
February 29th, 2024 | Season 5 | 46 mins 33 secs
alternative therapy, american legion, be the one, breakthrough therapy, community, grace, green beret, gwot, healing, mental wellness, military, non-profit, pache helicopter, pilot, podcasters, positive mindset, post-9/11, psychedelic therapies, ptsd, rotc, service, service dog, suicide, tbi, troop surge, veteran
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 202: Tango Alpha Lima: Ranger Up Founder and Diesel Jack Media CEO Nick Palmisciano
February 27th, 2024 | Season 5 | 49 mins 13 secs
afghanistan refugees, american legion, broccoli, comedy touring, community, customer service, docu-comedy, don’t be afraid to fail, feminine hygiene, finding happiness, grapple, gwot, incentives, marcus aurelieus, marketing agency, meditations, military, office joe, post-9/11, robot, service, social media, stoicism, tech industry, tech jobs, transition story, va, veteran, women veterans, wrestling
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 201: Tango Alpha Lima: Actor and comedian Rob Riggle
February 20th, 2024 | Season 5 | 43 mins 48 secs
american legion, ants, big slick, combat camera, commander-in-chief, community, culpeper spy ring, culper spy ring, dating in north dakota, family, fob, gwot, improv, military, military family, military food, miller light superbowl, minot, post-9/11, president, revolutionary war, robin williams, service, snacks, spies, stand-up comedian, taps, turn, uso tour, veteran, wwi, wwii
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 200: Tango Alpha Lima: Rutgers U. Veteran & Military Services Assistant Director Bryan Adams
February 13th, 2024 | Season 5 | 45 mins 49 secs
afghanistan, american legion, bubbleheads, claustrophobic, commercial, community, credentialing, deployment, giraffe, gwot, iava, iraq, isolation, lived experience, love, mental health, mental wellness, military, military transition, mission-focused, movie previews, pat tillman scholar, post-9/11, ptsd, revolutionary war, service, service mentality, stigma, student veteran, submarine, therapy, va, valentine’s day, veteran, voice-over
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 199: Tango Alpha Lima: Veteran Help Point founder Michelle Lang
February 6th, 2024 | Season 5 | 46 mins 18 secs
a boy name sue, american legion, bomber pilots, community, employment resources, ets, gwot, military, military spouse, military transition, miss america, paranormal, post-9/11, service, taps, ufo, veteran, women veteran, wwii
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Tango Alpha Lima Be The One EP06: Grunt Style Foundation Founder Tim Jensen
February 1st, 2024 | Season 5 | 31 mins 50 secs
active-duty, advocacy, afghanistan withdrawal, american legion, apolitical, be the one, camaraderie, combat, community, entrepreneur, foot insecurity, grunt style, gwot, hyperbaric chamber, infantry, iraq, lifestyle brand, mental health, mental wellness, military, operation iraqi freedom, pact act, patriotism, post-9/11, ptsd, rolling thunder, service, small business, suicide, suicide prevention, t-shirt, transition assistance, uss nimitz, veteran, veterans mental health assistance coalition, vietnam wall, wwii
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 198: Tango Alpha Lima: Lead the Way Recovery founder Dr. Marshall Bahr
January 30th, 2024 | Season 5 | 39 mins 46 secs
addiction, american legion, army ranger, bob ross, combat medic, community, coping mechanism, government cheese, gwot, intervention, isolation, mental health, military, post-9/11, psychic spy, psychic warrior, ptsd, recovery, self-medication, service, star gate, sublimation, substance abuse, veteran, vulnerability
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Tango Alpha Lima: Retired U.S. Army Gen. Barry McCaffrey
January 23rd, 2024 | Season 5 | 46 mins 2 secs
ai, american legion, artificial intelligence, bigfoot, central america, character, civics, colin powell, community, conspiracy theory, democracy, divisiveness, dr. ruth, economic, economic collapse, geo-political, gwot, isolationism, israel, journalism, leadership, loneliness, military, misinformation, national security, oller coaster, party planner, plan, political division, post-9/11, putin, radio shack, safe, servant-leadership, service, sinning, sniper, social media, syracuse university, ufo, ukraine, veteran, worry
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 197: Tango Alpha Lima: U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek H. Murthy
January 16th, 2024 | Season 5 | 50 mins 42 secs
5 for 5 challenge, american legion, anxiety, asking for a friend, asking for help, be the one, buddy check, coast guard, community, connection, covid pandemic, depression, distinguished flying cross, doctor, express gratitude, forbearance, foreclosure, friendships, gwot, hobbies, homelessness, intention, isolation, listen, loneliness, medical, mental health, mental wellness, military, pider paws, podcast, post-9/11, ptsd, relationships, rescue swimmer, ribs, self-esteem, service, service officers, showing up, social media, stigma, suicide, surgeon general, tribe, veteran, vsos, well-being
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 195: Tango Alpha Lima: RTM Protocol with Montel Williams
January 9th, 2024 | Season 5 | 50 mins 32 secs
american legion, basic training, be the one, brain science, cognitive behavioral therapy, community, dying wish, george w. bush, gwot, iraq veteran, israel, kidney transplant, medical care, mental health, mental wellness, military, mood indicator, ms, non-smoking, opioids, platypus milk, post-9/11, ptsd, purple heart, reconsolidation of traumatic memories, rtm, scuttlebutt, service, skele-gro, smoking cessation, stress cards, tango mike, tank gunner, telehealth, therapy, ukraine, veteran, walter reed
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Tango Alpha Lima Be The One EP05: VETS Co-founders Amber and Marcus Capone
January 1st, 2024 | Season 5 | 44 mins 38 secs
9/11, advocacy, american legion, be the one, community, fundraiser, gala, gwot, mental health, mental wellness, military, military family, military spouse, military transition, post-9/11, ptsd, service, suicide prevention, therapeutics, therapy, va, veteran, navy seal
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 194: Tango Alpha Lima: Mental Management Systems Founder Lanny Bassham
December 19th, 2023 | Season 4 | 45 mins 31 secs
american legion, british humor, community, confidence, geese, gwot, habits, harleyville, marksmanship, mental coaching, mental game, military, nikon, olympic athlete, pbs, performance coach, photography, polaroid, portraiture, post-9/11, rifle club, rotc, self-image, service, shooting sports, toys for tots, veteran, veteranmilitary, veterans portrait project
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 193: Tango Alpha Lima: Bestselling Author Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM
December 12th, 2023 | Season 4 | 49 mins 45 secs
american legion, antibiotics, b.a.s.e program, bariatric surgery, be the one, buddy checks, cemetery, community, diet and exercise, diet miracle drugs, fibromyalgia, food allergies, gut-bugs, gwot, healthy behaivor, honor, ibs, immunity, lasing, legumes, lifestyle medicine, mental health, metabolic health, micro-biomes, military, military housing, military quality of life, nutrition, obesity, pilot, post-9/11, prebiotics, probiotics, remembrance, service, ship maintenance, shipyard, suicide prevention, vegan lifestyle, veteran, veterans crisis line, whole grains, wifi access, wreaths
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.
Episode 192: Tango Alpha Lima: America’s Resilience Coach Kristen Christy
December 5th, 2023 | Season 4 | 1 hr 5 mins
3rd id, 988, a.c.e., accountability, american legion, anime, army navy game, battle dome, be the one, best practices, buddy check, community, convention, dogface, emotional support human, grassroots, grief, gun safety, gwot, iraq invasion, listening, lived experience, marine recruiters, membership, membership recruitment, mentorship, military, military child, military family, mission, podcast, pop culture, post activities, post-9/11, prevention, programs, purpose, relationships, resilience, resources, rotc, s.a.v.e training, self-awareness, service, showing up, silent service, stand down, submariners, suicide, support, survivor, tragedy, training, veteran, veteran crisis line, video game
Tango Alpha Lima is a podcast from The American Legion. Learn more at www.legion.org/tangoalphalima.